
Board of Directors

The Board of Directors shall include the following members:

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    Presides over the General Assembly and the Board of Directors.
    He/she is selected among the Members and appointed by the General Assembly.

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    Chairs the General Assembly and the Board of Directors in absence of the President.
    He/she is proposed by the Members and appointed by the General Assembly.

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    Former President

    He/she covers the position of Former President up to the end of his/her Board mandate if not otherwise decided.

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    Executive Secretary

    Proposed by the Industrial Members and appointed by the General Assembly.

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    Two or more Elected Members

    Proposed by the Board of Directors and appointed by the General Assembly.
    One of the Elected Members serves as Treasurer.

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    One or more Co-opted Members

    With no voting rights. Co-opted Members are designated upon recommendation of the Board of Directors. Co-opted Members do not need to be representatives from member institutions.

Ospedale San Raffaele S.r.l
Milan, Italy
Prof. Giovanni Tonon
Dr Xosé Fernández
Oslo University Hospital (OUH)
Oslo, Norway
Prof. Åslaug Helland
Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli
Rome, Italy
Prof. Alessandro Sgambato
Institut Curie
Paris, France
Dr Amaury Martin
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    The Members of the Board of Directors shall be appointed and dismissed by the simple majority of the DIGICORE General Assembly.

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    Whenever necessary, the Board of Directors shall submit to the General Assembly a proposal for appointment of a new member(s).

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    Each member of the Board of Directors shall have a three-year renewable mandate.

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    The composition of the DIGICORE Board of Directors shall be the outcome of a transparent and open procedure which shall also take into account a geographical balance.

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    Only an active representative of a Member of the Grouping shall be appointed as a member of the Board of Directors. This provision shall not apply to Co-opted Members.

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    Each member of the Board of Directors shall be entitled to one vote. Co-opted Members shall have no right to vote.

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    The Grouping shall be represented by its President for any judicial and extra-judicial acts. All written documents which bind the Grouping shall be signed by the President or by persons holding specific powers granted by the General Assembly or by the Board of Directors. The President can delegate the Executive Secretary to sign official documents.

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    The President and the Executive Secretary, in collaboration with the General Manager, shall implement all the decisions of the Board of Directors. They shall inter alia:

    • carry out all formalities for the constitution or modification of the Grouping before national or European authorities;
    • fill out incorporation documents;
    • carry out all formalities for the publication and registration of the Grouping in the appropriate Registers.