DigiONE Pilot

Industry-funded Pilot to build Digital Oncology Network for Europe
Platinum Technology Fund
Frankfurt University Hospital, Leeds Teaching Hospital, Maastricht University Medical Center, Oslo Cancer Centre, Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc, San Raffaele University Hospital
1 January 2023
12 months

DigiONE will create a federated digital research network that links routine, high quality clinical data with routine molecular data information from 6 large cancer centres in 6 countries.

The underlying digital infrastructure provides a minimal description of every patient’s cancer diagnosis, biomarkers, treatment and outcomes in near real time relying a Minimal Essential Description of Cancer (MEDOC) consensus built upon consensus and aligned with international standards. It provides a minimal description of cancer from diagnosis to outcome, and includes all major research inclusion/exclusion criteria, to create a unique resource for high-quality RWE and care quality management.

An open innovation programme leveraging interoperability technologies (OMOP) improving primary data capture with NLP or Natural Language processing solutions. New research services will follow with high quality structured real-world data (RWD) from routine cancer care with privacy-preserving data analytics (federated AI) addressing some urgent clinical research questions that require scale.

Currently, stakeholders and researchers of DigiONE are working on infrastructure-related solutions to support federated data sharing approaches to make the data, models, or digital objects smart in their original silos.

For further information on DIGItal Oncology Network for Europe please click here


In support of the DigiOne program the first DIGICORE Masterclass "Using Federation to drive international cancer research" was held on March 3rd, 2023 16:00-17:00 CET.

Federation is a series of privacy conserving analytic technologies that allow health data controllers to pool the insights from their data without pooling patient level data. In this masterclass Andre Dekker, Alberto Traverso (Maastricht) and Stelios Theophanous (Leeds) will explain what federation is, share examples of international research undertaken and outline what steps hospitals need to take practically in terms of data preparation, contracting and information governance.

This MASTERCLASS is now on the DIGICORE YouTube channel

The first DigiONE meeting held in Frankfurt on March 2023 had 3 key objectives:

  1. to catalyse a European digital care quality improvement community,
  2. to co-develop a portfolio of exciting research concepts, and
  3. to start the detailed data normalisation planning.

To learn more about the DigiONE meeting click here